The XX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

July 03-07, 2023, lake Baikal, Irkutsk, Russia

Author's Index

Author: Simonova A.A. (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia)

List of reports:

  1. Simonova A.A., Ptashnik I.V.
    Water vapour self-continuum absorption within the IR absorption bands: semiempirical dimer-based model  
  2. Serov E.A., Makarov D.S., Vilkov I.N., Golubyatnikov G.Yu., Galanina T.A., Koshelev M.A., Balashov A.A., Simonova A.A., Tretyakov M.Yu.
    Comprehensive study of CO spectra in Ar bath in the millimeter wavelength range  
